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Horsham, Victoria, Australia
Just A Reflection Of Myself--- Became a Blogger through IT Studies

Monday, January 19, 2009

Group Chatting with Net11

Last night I joined the Net11 students in a group chat that demonstrated its a mixed bag about the feeling of this unit as some have failed to see the value in it where others have taken it and ran with the experiences. I started out not really that interested in this unit until I came to realise what its about and how to look at the Internet in a different form. As the Internet is a major part of my life and could not see how I could live with out it I have friends that would not know what the Internet was apart from what there told on TV


I suppose some expected to do lectures and write an assignment and may do an exam  but the unit is more about experiences and evaluating those experiences and how these experiences can be used.


As an idea's person I have really got pondering about what I have learned and what I can do with this knowledge.


Consider the Internet as a sharing tool. We collaborate with contacts over the Internet in many different forms. By looking at the many different forms what is the common thread of the user.

  1. Email: With email we send and receive letters by mail in the electronic form. We able to SHARE information by attaching documents to the email and SHARE information with the recipient.
  2. P2P: P2P in a SHARE system where users of the Internet SHARE files across the Internet directly from their hard drives. This could be music, videos, software or any other electronic document.
  3. FTP: This is also like P2P SHARE where a file server  hold the files to SHARE
  4. Facebook: SHARE your thought , activities, photos, views, family, friends and your darkest secrets.
  5. Flicker: SHARE your photos
  6. YouTube: SHARE your Video's
  7. Google: SHARE your search habits
  8. Google Docs: SHARE your documents
  9. Trwitter: SHARE your every thought
  10. Hotmail, gMail, Yahoo Mail: SHARE your email
  11. Google Share Drive: SHARE your files
  12. Yahoo Pipes: SHARE your news feeds
  13. Blogs: SHARE your Ideas


And the list goes on. but as you can see the successfully sites are all basically Share tools that enable people to share.  In my Recent Post Music Industry Free Music Model I suggested that the Record Labels should look at supplying music for free under the Creative Commons License and gain control of their Industry and create a new model for sharing music. Other businesses  also have opportunities to refocus on how they share information to the clients and what possibilities can they open by been a part of the sharing. The gesture of good will  to open new business opportunities through the use of the Internet.



The problem with traditional business it the mind set that some assets of companies is viewed as the value of the company. This mind set restricts the possible though process of wanting to share those assets. Lets focus on the music industry who among a few major labels holds a major share of the popular music copyrights and considers that the sharing of there copyright through the Internet is an infringement of the copyright holder.

To think down the lines of giving this to public domain is hard to conceive by the label companies as they see it as there bread and butter. To get the music industry to change may be a difficult thing. However they need to look at what it is that drives every mom, dad , and child to break the law by stealing there products.  These moms dads and children are registered with YouTube, Facebook,Hotmail and Flicker. They are prepared to share the ideas, there taste in music and political idea's in a public sphere that allows these companies to collect data and profile the user to know how to market to them. Why not the music business do the same thing.


Kodak announced about 3 years ago about wanting to collect every photo ever taken in the world with there photo share web site. They see a changing market form traditional analogue film to digital that has change the dynamics of the market. The goal of cataloging every photo in the world and held on there servers then they have the opportunity to sell their digital print service. You go to Kodak web site find the photo you want and order the print on line.  They are also profiling the user as to the subject they are interested in and what type of print they prefer. This then allows them to make offers to you about other products and services they have.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Chriso - I enjoyed the ICQ chat last night too and am with you wholeheartedly - saying this course is fabulous would not be doing it justice...it's *awesome*!!!

    If only I had more technological capabilities.

    After I finish my Major in Philosophy, I might do something else in the NET course area.
    There's so much to learn and it's expanding at a remarkable rate!

    Thanks also for your link to Twitter - I've been wondering what that was, and might join up to try it out.

    Your posts are really helpful and your help on ICQ was, again, invaluable - looking forward to reading more, Tess :)
