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Horsham, Victoria, Australia
Just A Reflection Of Myself--- Became a Blogger through IT Studies

Sunday, January 11, 2009

You Tube used by a Vigilante to lure pedophiles

Here is a story published today on news.com about this vigilante trying to lure pedophiles on You tube.

He has posted the men's faces, nude pictures, registration plates and mobile phone numbers on the site as well as their conversations.(news.com,January 11, 2009)

The police advice that he may interfere with the other investigations by sending the pedophiles underground. This bring back the question of free speech and space the Internet provides. Although I consider what this man is doing is very Nobel of him but I also believe it is very dangerous of him. Its is well known over the world that police forces are continually  fighting the battle of child pornography and pedophilia on the Internet buy joining chat channels and social network sites acting out as children in a bid to lure these leaches. So this mans efforts could interfere with the  work they are doing.


Will the governments clean feed  stop this man from exercising his free speech on the Internet is worth the debate. Is what he is doing going to make a difference to protecting young children from these sick individuals.

Well I say no he wont. Leave this to the experts who now have several years of experience in the Internet pedophiles.

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